Solving the Infamous “Permission Denied for copy using psql” Error
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Solving the Infamous “Permission Denied for \copy using psql” Error

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve stumbled upon one of the most frustrating errors in the PostgreSQL universe: “Permission denied for \copy using psql”. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of PostgreSQL permissions, explore the reasons behind this error, and provide a step-by-step guide to fix it once and for all.

What is the “\copy” Command?

The “\copy” command is a powerful tool in psql (PostgreSQL’s command-line tool) that allows you to import data from a file or export data to a file. It’s an essential feature for data migration, backup, and restore operations. The syntax for the “\copy” command is as follows:

\copy table_name (column1, column2, ...) FROM 'file_path' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;

In the above example, we’re importing data from a CSV file into the “table_name” table, specifying the columns and delimiter.

What Causes the “Permission Denied” Error?

The “Permission denied for \copy using psql” error occurs when the PostgreSQL user running the “\copy” command lacks the necessary permissions to read or write files on the server. This is a security feature designed to prevent unauthorized access to the file system.

There are several reasons why you might encounter this error:

  • Insufficient permissions: The PostgreSQL user does not have the required permissions to read or write files.
  • File system permissions: The file system permissions are not configured correctly, restricting access to the file.
  • SELinux or AppArmor restrictions: Security modules like SELinux or AppArmor might be blocking the operation.

Solving the “Permission Denied” Error

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into the solutions. We’ll explore three approaches to fix the “Permission denied for \copy using psql” error:

Method 1: Granting Permissions to the PostgreSQL User

The simplest solution is to grant the necessary permissions to the PostgreSQL user. You can do this by running the following command as the PostgreSQL superuser (usually “postgres”):

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE your_database TO your_username;

Replace “your_database” and “your_username” with your actual database name and username, respectively.

Method 2: Using the “SECURITY DEFINER” Function

An alternative approach is to create a function with the “SECURITY DEFINER” attribute. This allows the function to run with the privileges of the user who defined it, rather than the user who executes it.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION your_function_name()
    file_path TEXT := 'path_to_your_file';
    \copy your_table_name FROM file_path DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;

Replace “your_function_name”, “path_to_your_file”, and “your_table_name” with your actual function name, file path, and table name, respectively.

Then, grant execute permission on the function to the required user:

GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION your_function_name() TO your_username;

Method 3: Using the “pg_read_file” and “pg_write_file” Functions

The “pg_read_file” and “pg_write_file” functions allow you to read and write files, respectively, while bypassing the file system permissions. These functions require the “pg_read_server_files” or “pg_write_server_files” privilege, respectively.

GRANT pg_read_server_files TO your_username;


GRANT pg_write_server_files TO your_username;

Then, you can use the “pg_read_file” or “pg_write_file” function in your “\copy” command:

\copy your_table_name FROM pg_read_file('path_to_your_file') DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;


\copy your_table_name TO pg_write_file('path_to_your_file') DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;

Additional Solutions for SELinux and AppArmor Restrictions

If you’re running into issues with SELinux or AppArmor, you might need to adjust the security context or permissions for the file or PostgreSQL process.

For SELinux:

chcon -t httpd_sys_content_t 'path_to_your_file'

For AppArmor:

sudo aa-complain /usr/lib/postgresql/your_version/bin/postgres

Replace “your_version” with your actual PostgreSQL version.


The “Permission denied for \copy using psql” error can be frustrating, but with the right approach, it’s easily solvable. By granting the necessary permissions, using the “SECURITY DEFINER” function, or leveraging the “pg_read_file” and “pg_write_file” functions, you can overcome this obstacle and get back to working with your PostgreSQL database.

Remember to always prioritize security and carefully evaluate the implications of granting permissions or adjusting security contexts. With great power comes great responsibility!

Method Description
Granting Permissions Granting the necessary permissions to the PostgreSQL user.
SECURITY DEFINER Function Creating a function with the SECURITY DEFINER attribute to run with elevated privileges.
pg_read_file and pg_write_file Functions Using the pg_read_file and pg_write_file functions to bypass file system permissions.
SELinux and AppArmor Adjustments Adjusting the security context or permissions for the file or PostgreSQL process.

We hope this comprehensive guide has helped you resolve the “Permission denied for \copy using psql” error and given you a solid understanding of the underlying principles. Happy PostgreSQL-ing!

  1. PostgreSQL Documentation: COPY Command
  2. PostgreSQL Documentation: GRANT Command
  3. PostgreSQL Documentation: pg_read_file and pg_write_file Functions

Frequently Asked Questions

Get your answers on “Permission denied for \copy using psql” here!

Q1: What does “Permission denied for \copy” error mean?

The error “Permission denied for \copy” occurs when the PostgreSQL database doesn’t have the necessary permissions to write to the file location specified in the \copy command. This can happen if the PostgreSQL server process doesn’t have the required access rights to the file system.

Q2: How can I resolve the “Permission denied for \copy” error?

To resolve this error, you can try one of the following solutions: change the file location to a directory where the PostgreSQL server has write access, change the ownership of the file to the PostgreSQL server process owner, or adjust the file system permissions to allow the PostgreSQL server to write to the file location.

Q3: Can I use the \copy command with a different file location?

Yes, you can use the \copy command with a different file location by specifying the absolute path of the file. For example, \copy table_name TO ‘/path/to/file.csv’. Make sure the PostgreSQL server has write access to the specified file location.

Q4: What are the security implications of changing file system permissions?

Changing file system permissions can have security implications, as it may allow unauthorized access to sensitive files or data. When changing permissions, make sure to limit access to only the necessary users or processes and avoid granting excessive permissions.

Q5: Can I use a different method to export data instead of the \copy command?

Yes, you can use other methods to export data from PostgreSQL, such as using the pg_dump command or a third-party tool like pgAdmin. These methods may not require the same level of file system permissions as the \copy command.