Unlocking the Power of K6 with Async Functions: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Franc - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of K6 with Async Functions: A Comprehensive Guide

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As developers, we’re constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with our tools and technologies. One such question that has been on the minds of many is: “Is it possible to use k6chaijs with async functions?” In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of k6 and async functions, exploring the possibilities, limitations, and best practices for using k6chaijs in browser tests and beyond.

The Basics: What is k6chaijs?

But what about async functions? Can we use them in conjunction with k6chaijs? The short answer is yes, but it requires a deeper understanding of how k6 works under the hood.

Understanding k6’s Execution Model

k6 executes its scripts in a single-threaded, event-driven environment. This means that when you write a k6 script, it’s executed in a single thread, and any blocking operations can potentially halt the entire script. This is where async functions come into play.

Async functions, by design, allow your code to continue executing without blocking, making them a perfect fit for k6’s execution model. However, there’s a catch: k6chaijs assertions are synchronous by nature, which can lead to unexpected behavior when used with async functions.

Using Async Functions with k6chaijs: The Gotchas

So, how do we use async functions with k6chaijs? The key is to understand the limitations and gotchas involved. Here are some essential points to keep in mind:

  • Avoid using k6chaijs assertions directly in async functions: Since k6chaijs assertions are synchronous, using them directly in async functions can lead to unexpected behavior, such as asserts failing or not being executed at all.
  • Use async/await or promises to handle async operations: When working with async functions, make sure to use async/await or promises to handle the asynchronous operations. This ensures that your script executes correctly and k6chaijs assertions are triggered at the right time.
  • Wrap k6chaijs assertions in a try-catch block: To prevent k6chaijs assertions from failing silently, wrap them in a try-catch block to catch any errors that might occur.

Example: Using Async Functions with k6chaijs in Browser Tests

import { sleep } from 'k6';
import { expect } from 'k6chaijs';

export let options = {
  thresholds: {
    'HTTP_req_duration{api:api.example.com}': ['avg<500'],

export function setup() {
  // Create a simple async function
  async function asyncExample() {
    try {
      // Perform an async operation
      const response = await http.get('https://api.example.com/data');
      // Use k6chaijs assertions
      expect(response.body).to.contain('expected data');
    } catch (error) {

  // Call the async function and wait for its completion
  asyncExample().then(() => {
    console.log('Async function completed');

export function teardown() {
  // Perform any necessary cleanup
  console.log('Teardown completed');

In this example, we create a simple async function `asyncExample()` that performs an HTTP GET request and uses k6chaijs assertions to validate the response. We wrap the assertions in a try-catch block to catch any errors that might occur. Finally, we call the async function and wait for its completion using `.then()`.

Best Practices for Using Async Functions with k6chaijs

To ensure that your k6 scripts using async functions and k6chaijs work as expected, follow these best practices:

  1. Keep async functions short and focused: Break down complex async operations into smaller, manageable functions to avoid performance bottlenecks.
  2. Use async/await or promises consistently: Stick to one approach throughout your script to avoid confusion and make it easier to maintain.
  3. Test and debug your script thoroughly: k6chaijs assertions can sometimes fail silently or produce unexpected results. Make sure to test your script extensively and debug any issues that arise.
  4. Monitor and analyze your script’s performance: Use k6’s built-in metrics and analytics to monitor your script’s performance and identify areas for optimization.


In conclusion, using async functions with k6chaijs is not only possible but also highly recommended for creating efficient and scalable performance tests. By following the guidelines and best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to unlocking the full potential of k6chaijs in your browser tests and beyond.

Scenario Async Function k6chaijs Assertion
Browser Test async function asyncExample() { … } expect(response.status).to.be.equal(200);
API Test async function asyncApiCall() { … } expect(response.body).to.contain(‘expected data’);
Load Test async function asyncLoadTest() { … } expect(Counter.sum).to.be.greaterThan(100);

Remember, the key to success lies in understanding the intricacies of k6’s execution model and the limitations of k6chaijs assertions. With practice and patience, you’ll master the art of using async functions with k6chaijs and take your performance testing to the next level.

So, go ahead and unlock the power of k6chaijs with async functions. Your applications (and your users) will thank you!

Frequently Asked Question

Got questions about using k6 with ChaiJS and async functions? We’ve got answers!

Can I use k6 with ChaiJS for browser tests that involve async functions?

Absolutely! k6 supports using ChaiJS for browser tests, and it’s perfectly fine to use async functions. In fact, k6’s browser testing is built on top of Puppeteer, which heavily relies on async/await. So, go ahead and write those async tests with confidence!

Do I need to use await with every ChaiJS assertion in my async function?

Not necessarily! While it’s a good practice to use await with most assertions, ChaiJS provides some built-in support for async/await. For example, if you use the `expect` function with an async function as an argument, ChaiJS will automatically wait for the promise to resolve. However, it’s still a good idea to use await with assertions that return promises to ensure your tests run as expected.

How do I handle errors in my async function when using k6 with ChaiJS?

When working with async functions, error handling is crucial. k6 provides a built-in `try`-`catch` mechanism to catch and handle errors. You can wrap your async function code in a `try` block and use `catch` to handle any errors that occur. Additionally, ChaiJS provides a `expect.to.not.throw` assertion to test for specific error scenarios.

Can I use k6’s built-in sleep function with async functions and ChaiJS?

Yes, you can! k6’s `sleep` function is designed to work seamlessly with async functions. When using `sleep` with ChaiJS, make sure to use `await` to wait for the sleep promise to resolve. This ensures that your test execution pauses for the specified time before moving on to the next assertion.

Are there any performance implications when using k6 with ChaiJS and async functions?

While async functions can introduce some performance overhead, k6 is optimized to handle async operations efficiently. Additionally, ChaiJS is designed to work well with async functions, so you don’t need to worry about significant performance penalties. However, as with any performance-critical code, make sure to test and optimize your scripts to ensure they meet your performance requirements.